Relax and Breathe

Relax and Breathe
Yes you need a vacation

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Tools Gratis yang lumayan berguna..

Tools Gratis yang berguna (dapet dari email..)

Open Source Microsoft Office Clone -
If you don't have enough money to purchase Microsoft Office, buy you still need a word processing program, Open Office is a great fr/ee replacement! It is an open source software suite that directly mirrors Microsoft Office Suite. So you get a replacement for Word, Excel and PowerPoint!

Open Source Photoshop Clone -
GIMP is a great no-cost choice if you need an image manipulation program. It's a lot like Photoshop and you can create tons of graphics for websites, products, logos and anything else.

Open Source Website Editor -
Kompozer is the perfect way to create great looking websites, even if you don't have programming or coding experience. It uses a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor so you can skip over learning all the boring stuff and go right on to creating interesting and profit pulling sites.

Take a good hard look at these tools because they can really help your online business grow and they won't cost you anything at all. You can keep using these tools even when your business has elevated to the next level.

Rabu, 26 September 2012

How to start getting Trafic from Google

You can love or hate Google, but now you can't argue that it became one of the best sources of high quality clients and visitors. If you don't agree, then you must be not using Google opportunities for 100% of their efficiency.
google dwords_natural_resultsThere are 2 ways how you can get a good number of leads from the search engines:

1. Use Google Adwords. You determine the keyword phrases which should trigger your website to appear above and on the left side of search result page. Google has a tricky algorithm that calculates the price of the advertising according to the popularity of the keyword. Google Ads is a good way to get traffic in the very beginning of your promotion, but in a long-term it becomes pretty expensive comparing to SEO and link building, though it still provides good ROI. 
2. Improve your rankings on Google for multiple keywords or keyword phrases. You can increase rankings for your website by buying PR1- PR8 backlinks from other websites. In this case your goal is to increase your position for as many keyword phrases as possible. Every extra keyword brings your extra traffic to your website. The more competitive is your keyword, the more links you need to get to Top10 (the 1st page of Google results page). Natural rankings can bring you plenty of traffic and are very effective and beneficial in a long-term.

Note: many people prefer natural results when they search for product or service because they have more trust in results page than advertising. 

source: from email linkmanagement

Berbagai cara menghasilkan uang dari internet

Seperti kita ketahui, sangat banyak bisnis online dan internet marketing yang bertebaran di dunia maya. Saking banyaknya Jalan dan Cara untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet, Saya tidak bisa menuliskan semuanya satu-persatu. Tapi yang umum dan menurut saya paling sering dan gampang untuk dikerjakan seperti yang saya list di bawah ini:

1. PPC (Paid per click) Terbesar : Google Adsense

2. PPC Lain :,,,, dkk..

3. PPC image :,, dkk..

4. PPC Lokal :,,,,,, dkk…

5. Affiliate Marketing :,,, Commission Junction (, dkk…

6. Pay Per Impresi :,,, dkk…

7. Pay Per Action / CPA Program :,,,,, (commission junction),,,,,,,,, dkk…

8. Text Link Ads :, dkk…

9. Jual Beli Service :
Bisa di forum-forum besar seperti:, dkk…
Jual Beli Jasa di,, dsb…
Adapun Jasa-jasa yang bisa di jual antara lain:
  • Jasa Writer / Penulis Artikel :
  • Jasa Update Blog
  • Jasa SEO Lengkap
  • Jasa Link Building
  • Jasa Membuat Website
  • Jasa Membuat Logo dan Header
  • Jasa Like Fanspage dan Twitter Follower
  • Jasa Membuat berbagai macam Akun, baik akun Adsense, Akun Email, Akun, Akun di forum-forum, Akun Paypal, dan segala macam akun.
  • Jasa Memverifikasi Akun Paypal (jual beli VCC) dan Lepas Paypal Limited (membuat skrinsut yang diminta Paypal)
  • Jasa membuat akun Bank US
  • Jasa Submit artikel dan Website ke Social Bookmark, Article Directory, dsb...
  • Jasa Pindahan Hosting
  • Jasa Sewa Hosting dan Domain
  • Jasa Survey
  • Jasa Lain-lain yang tidak bisa aku sebutkan satu-persatu saking banyaknya. Apapun kemampuan Anda, Semuanya bisa dijual dalam bentuk Jasa.. list contoh penjual jasa aneka rasa.

10. Jual beli Produk sendiri atau Dropship produk orang lain dengan system komisi :
Barang Sehari-hari: Baju anak, Baju trendy, Sepatu, Tas, HP, Pulsa, Mobil, Rumah dan Tanah, Motor, dsb…
Barang Technology: ebook, tips dan trik, blueprint, software-software, tools, plugin, jual vcc, tools-tools SEO (seperti senuke X, AMR, BMD, SB, Xrumer, dkk..) dsb…

11. Jual Link dan Banner di Website sendiri.

12. Jual beli website di dan di Website Market[

13. Broker Domain (Jual Beli Domain ber Pagerank dan Domain Premium) :
Beli lewat website registar:, dll..
Jual di forum dan broker:, dkk…

14. Broker Links dan Link Sales :
Bisa menjadi Broker sendiri di forum-forum dengan cara mempertemukan antara advertiser dan website owner :, dkk…
Bisa juga melalui website broker seperti: TextLinkAds (,,, dkk…

15. PTR (Paid To Review):
Bisa menjadi Broker sendiri di forum-forum dengan cara mempertemukan antara advertiser dan website owner :, dkk…
Bisa juga melalui website broker seperti,,,, dkk…

16. Jual Segala Macam Kemampuan Yang Anda Miliki dan Waktu Luang yang Anda punya. Apapun Kemampuan Anda bisa dijual dan Jika Anda Mempunyai Waktu Luang, bisa juga mengerjakan Job-Job yang menurut Saya Sangat Mudah untuk dikerjakan. Berikut ini tempat Penyedia Job Online dan Pencari Job Online berkumpul:
  • dkk 

Mau cek status rank website anda di Search Engine? Cobain SEOProfiler deh.. Kenapa?
Karena udah satu paket, jadi nga ribet harus cek2 ke yang lainnya..

The all-in-one SEO software solution:

  • Ranking monitor: Get detailed ranking checks on Google, Yahoo and Bing with actionable items.
  • Website optimizer: A reliable website optimization tool that delivers results. Get high rankings for your keywords.
  • Competitive intelligence: Get the most detailed competitive backlink, ranking and AdWords analysis.
  • High quality backlinks: Get great backlinks with powerful backlink buildings tools and a sophisticated link manager.
  • WOW! reports: Impress your clients and your boss with comprehensive white-label PDF reports.
  • Fully compatible with Google's new algorithm: SEOprofiler works with Google's latest September 2012 algorithm.

SEOprofiler SEO software

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Cara nge-post iklan ke ribuan situs iklan baris

Pernah nyobain ngepost iklan satu2 ke situs iklan baris? Pasti pernah ya... dan capek plus makan waktu tentunya. Sekarang ada software dengan hanya biaya bulanan yang relatif murah, anda bisa menghemat waktu untuk ngeposting iklan. Mau tahu detilnya? Klik banner dibawah ini..

Happy Submit! :)

Hello World!

Hai..  Salam Kenal, thanks udah mampir ke blog ini. Ini blog pertamaku.. Biasanya cuma bikin web2nya online store aja.. sekarang coba buat blog sendiri..
Kalau masih plain, maklumin aja ya..  :)